How to Contribute

You can contribute to the kxg game engine either by reporting bugs, writing documentation, writing demo games or example snippets, or developing code for the engine itself. Report bugs using the issue tracker on GitHub. Contribute documentation or code by forking the main repository on GitHub and making a pull request.


For developing code, follow the style guidelines laid out in PEP8. For documenting arguments and return values in docstrings, follow the NumPy convention.

Running the tests

If you want to develop code, you’ll want to know how to work with the tests. Loosely speaking, the game engine has two kinds of tests. The first are the unit tests and the second is an executable for a do-nothing game. The unit tests are very rigorous and should at the very least cover every line of code in the engine. The dummy game is more of a debugging tool; it doesn’t really test anything but it can be useful when you’re writing code.

The unit tests are based on the pytest framework, so you have to install that before you run them:

pip install pytest

To run the unit tests, move into the test directory and run the following command:


You can pass this script any option that you could pass to pytest. The following options are implicitly specified:

  • -x Stop on the first error.

  • --color=yes Output the test report in color, even if the report is being piped through less or something.

  • --cov=kxg --cov-report=html Generate an HTML coverage report for the kxg module. This is a good way to see what parts of the code aren’t being tested.

By default, all of the tests matching the pattern ??_test_*.py (where the ?’s are numbers) will be run. The numbers prefixing each test control the order in which the tests will be run. You can also specify one or more tests on the command-line, in which case only those tests will be run.

Writing new tests

Tests are written using the pytest framework, so making a new test is as simple as writing a new function whose name starts with test_. The tests are run in the order they’re written, so try to put your test somewhere where everything you’re assuming will work has already been tested.